The following stories are reports of personal sightings and encounters that people have shared with me.
Do you have a story you would like to share?
Feel free to contact me.
St. Anne Mb.
A co-worker told me a while ago about an encounter him and a couple of buddies had about 5 years ago. There was 3 or 4 of them, grade 9 students, hiking around in the bush just before dawn, a little foggy, when they heard leaves crunching behind them. They all turned to look at the same time and seen a 9/10 foot 'monster' cross the path and walk into the bush. He said they all 'shit' their pants and took off running high speed back to the house. He couldn't remember where this took place, and he finally asked one of the guys that was with him, and it turns out that they had this encounter just outside of St. Anne. I was really surprised to hear that, I have not heard of a report come from that area. He couldn't say how wide the 'monter' was cause of the angle they seen it, or the color, other than being a dark color. They called it a monster until they actually talked about what it really could be, a sasquatch was what all of the agreed on what they saw.
St. Anne Mb. is approximately a 50 minute drive from Winnipeg.
A co-worker told me a while ago about an encounter him and a couple of buddies had about 5 years ago. There was 3 or 4 of them, grade 9 students, hiking around in the bush just before dawn, a little foggy, when they heard leaves crunching behind them. They all turned to look at the same time and seen a 9/10 foot 'monster' cross the path and walk into the bush. He said they all 'shit' their pants and took off running high speed back to the house. He couldn't remember where this took place, and he finally asked one of the guys that was with him, and it turns out that they had this encounter just outside of St. Anne. I was really surprised to hear that, I have not heard of a report come from that area. He couldn't say how wide the 'monter' was cause of the angle they seen it, or the color, other than being a dark color. They called it a monster until they actually talked about what it really could be, a sasquatch was what all of the agreed on what they saw.
St. Anne Mb. is approximately a 50 minute drive from Winnipeg.
April 5th 2012 ...Pelican Narrows Saskatchewan .....7:00pm .... My buddy Shane got ahold of me last night to tell me that an Sasqutach ,brown in color and estimated to be 8 feet tall was spotted on the road going into the Pelican Narrows reserve by at least ten persons ,as people were coming in and out of the reserve it was seen standing around watching the traffic go by,and then it wandered off back into the bush . One person was caught off guard seeing it that he drove in to the ditch ,the reserve was put on alert and some of the men spent the night looking for it ,I asked if there were pictures taken but he wouldn't say if there was or wasn't ....not a bad start for april .
-Mike B.
-Mike B.
Cold lake Manitoba ...April 1935 ...Prospector Harry Morin is traveling up the Burntwood lake area by canoe with kicker motor,(outboard motor) ,after a long day he decides to make camp on an island for the night. After setting up his camp he heads over to the mainland with rifle in hand to find some wild chickens and rabbits for supper,he came across an old game trail so he decided to follow it ,it was unusally quiet that day ,as he was walking along the trail he heard a rustling in the thick brush ,thinking it mite be a bear he cocked his rifle and crouched low to the ground ,all ofa sudden he heard some ape like sounds and so he peaked over a low ridge ,there before him were two Sasquatches ,a female and a young one ,the mother stood almost seven feet tall and was very heavy set ,the younger one was almost five feet tall. The prospector became very scared and he knew he had no chance with a 22.calibre rifle to kill the female,he watched them for several minutes as they fed (no mention on what they were eating. The mother was very generous with the feeding of the young one ,both were dark brown in color ,Morin decided it was time to leave ,he was not sure if the creatures were aware of his presence . He cancelled his hunting trip that dayand hastily made his way back to his island camp where he felt safer . The next morning he packed his stuff and made his way back to Cold lake ,he told people of his story and was ridiculed by some people but and old Native fellow believed him because he claimed to have shot and killed a large male for raiding a fish camp. Years later some people came across a cave in the area where they found a very large skeleton.
Mike Barkett,
For the last 2 days I've been sniffing around Denare Beach ,Saskatchewan on the sighting of a ten foot (allledgely)black Sasquatch that's been seen around there ,on wednesday I rode out there with taxi driver Rob M who saw it last summer while driving a fare out there in July ,this was around 11 pm at nite when it was just getting dark ,as they approached the Mosher Lake turn off both rob and his female passenger saw the creature standing right on the hiway making its way down an old mining road ,the bigoot heard them and quickly started to walk very fast into the bush ,both of the people were scared shitless(lol),rob immediately took his fare home to denare which is about two minutes of the area ,he refused to drive back that nite and spent it at some friends place and to this day refuses to drive out there at nite now. The big guy has been heard ,seen by a number of residents at denare beach especially down by the reserve by half a dozen kids ,I was not allowed to interview them yesterday ,but I did check out mosher lake where I saw foot prints about 17and half inches long ,I did get pictures of them with a throw away camera but did not follow the prints as the lake is starting to get slushy now . He seems to be circling around the town fron mosher to beaver lake and he's not doing a very good job at not being seen,thee are three dogs missing and he is being blamed for it . The last time anyone heard its wails was around mid febuary so maybe its moved on.
For the last 2 days I've been sniffing around Denare Beach ,Saskatchewan on the sighting of a ten foot (allledgely)black Sasquatch that's been seen around there ,on wednesday I rode out there with taxi driver Rob M who saw it last summer while driving a fare out there in July ,this was around 11 pm at nite when it was just getting dark ,as they approached the Mosher Lake turn off both rob and his female passenger saw the creature standing right on the hiway making its way down an old mining road ,the bigoot heard them and quickly started to walk very fast into the bush ,both of the people were scared shitless(lol),rob immediately took his fare home to denare which is about two minutes of the area ,he refused to drive back that nite and spent it at some friends place and to this day refuses to drive out there at nite now. The big guy has been heard ,seen by a number of residents at denare beach especially down by the reserve by half a dozen kids ,I was not allowed to interview them yesterday ,but I did check out mosher lake where I saw foot prints about 17and half inches long ,I did get pictures of them with a throw away camera but did not follow the prints as the lake is starting to get slushy now . He seems to be circling around the town fron mosher to beaver lake and he's not doing a very good job at not being seen,thee are three dogs missing and he is being blamed for it . The last time anyone heard its wails was around mid febuary so maybe its moved on.
D., Ontario,
Yesterday (Mar. 23/12) I went out to paint my garage doors around 9:30am...all morning I felt like I was being watched and could smell something which i thought was maybe the septic...I kept hearing weird noises which sort of sounded like birds but i knew they weren't as there is no bird that make these noises and me comparing it to a bird is the only way i can describe it 11:45am I heard a very loud knock come from behind me in the woods...when i turned around I seen something dark brown to black as it turned around and began to walk away...height was between 7 to 8 feet tall...greyish on the bottom of feet which i could see the leaves and debris sticking to the feet and falling off...I did not see the face as it was walking's leg was the size of both my legs put together in was very long and matted and I could see muscle movement under moved through the woods like it was nothing...I'am only 6 feet and i couldn't move through there that easily...width had to be well over 4 feet at the shoulders and arms were to the knees...this walked like nothing i have ever seen before...i feel like it wanted me to see it...could not tell the time i snapped out of what i had seen it was gone and having paint on my hands i could not easily get my camera...I will be completely honest here that it scared the living crap out me and never have i felt like that before...I heard it until 4:00pm and the feeling of being watched did not go away until then...It has became one of those saying' careful of what you wish for...I have not been able to sleep since then as there is so much running through my mind I will take a pic just to show how close it was to me and how it got that close without me not hearing it is something i cant explain and that is what has me scared the most.When i settle down i will go out tomorrow to see what i can find...Anyone thinking it may have been a bear?...definitely not as bears don't walk on two legs and i know the difference...I will admit for the first few seconds i did think it could have been a bear standing on it's hind legs until I seen it moving...In a lot of ways i wish it had been a bear as that is a little easier to swallow.
Yesterday (Mar. 23/12) I went out to paint my garage doors around 9:30am...all morning I felt like I was being watched and could smell something which i thought was maybe the septic...I kept hearing weird noises which sort of sounded like birds but i knew they weren't as there is no bird that make these noises and me comparing it to a bird is the only way i can describe it 11:45am I heard a very loud knock come from behind me in the woods...when i turned around I seen something dark brown to black as it turned around and began to walk away...height was between 7 to 8 feet tall...greyish on the bottom of feet which i could see the leaves and debris sticking to the feet and falling off...I did not see the face as it was walking's leg was the size of both my legs put together in was very long and matted and I could see muscle movement under moved through the woods like it was nothing...I'am only 6 feet and i couldn't move through there that easily...width had to be well over 4 feet at the shoulders and arms were to the knees...this walked like nothing i have ever seen before...i feel like it wanted me to see it...could not tell the time i snapped out of what i had seen it was gone and having paint on my hands i could not easily get my camera...I will be completely honest here that it scared the living crap out me and never have i felt like that before...I heard it until 4:00pm and the feeling of being watched did not go away until then...It has became one of those saying' careful of what you wish for...I have not been able to sleep since then as there is so much running through my mind I will take a pic just to show how close it was to me and how it got that close without me not hearing it is something i cant explain and that is what has me scared the most.When i settle down i will go out tomorrow to see what i can find...Anyone thinking it may have been a bear?...definitely not as bears don't walk on two legs and i know the difference...I will admit for the first few seconds i did think it could have been a bear standing on it's hind legs until I seen it moving...In a lot of ways i wish it had been a bear as that is a little easier to swallow.
Iam Tracker Late October 1992 Honeymoon Lake Alberta
Late in the afternoon after a day at Banff with friends I was heading back up to Jasper on hwy #93. I decided to take in a spontaneous solo hike and turned onto a service road with a large 10' high mound of dirt at the end. I parked on the road and preceded over the mound and began hiking counter clock wise around the lake shore.
Everything was going well until I reached the opposite side of the lake and the furthest point from my Honda. At that point I started hearing twig snaps and leaf foot fall crunches that paralleled my position just inside the tree line 20' away or so.
The sounds continued to followed me and stopped when I stopped. The trees were so thick I couldn't see my shadower but I could hear it. So I continued on my way while resisting the strong urge to run and kept up a steady pace which was easily matched.
Finally I was back at mound and up and over I went and down to my car. I unlocked my door and got in closed the door and bent down to look up to the top of mound through the front windshield.
What I seen was incredible. A large dark Ape like flat face and with black/brown hair on its head and big dark eyes was watching me. After eye contact that lasted only a second or two but seemed like an eternity the creature turn and disappeared behind the mound.
I started my car and drove back to the JPL resort. I don't remember much after that head disappeared because I was in a daze.
Side note:
Apparently almost the exact same encounter happened to another female hiker. In the same area the same year except it followed her right into the parking lot and she seen it in her mirrors and was horrified at it size. 9-10' tall (bigger then Patty) This report is on Alberta Sasquatch Research web site.
I always knew they existed from a previous encounter in Ont and all the reports. However before I was just casually searching for them as most do. After this I started to hunt them like a soldier not like a researcher or tourist. And I've gotten pretty close to some with my recon methods. I never really tried to film them before because the challenge was enough reward. But I have posted a few vids on my channel recently that some may find interesting?
Regards, Tracker
Late in the afternoon after a day at Banff with friends I was heading back up to Jasper on hwy #93. I decided to take in a spontaneous solo hike and turned onto a service road with a large 10' high mound of dirt at the end. I parked on the road and preceded over the mound and began hiking counter clock wise around the lake shore.
Everything was going well until I reached the opposite side of the lake and the furthest point from my Honda. At that point I started hearing twig snaps and leaf foot fall crunches that paralleled my position just inside the tree line 20' away or so.
The sounds continued to followed me and stopped when I stopped. The trees were so thick I couldn't see my shadower but I could hear it. So I continued on my way while resisting the strong urge to run and kept up a steady pace which was easily matched.
Finally I was back at mound and up and over I went and down to my car. I unlocked my door and got in closed the door and bent down to look up to the top of mound through the front windshield.
What I seen was incredible. A large dark Ape like flat face and with black/brown hair on its head and big dark eyes was watching me. After eye contact that lasted only a second or two but seemed like an eternity the creature turn and disappeared behind the mound.
I started my car and drove back to the JPL resort. I don't remember much after that head disappeared because I was in a daze.
Side note:
Apparently almost the exact same encounter happened to another female hiker. In the same area the same year except it followed her right into the parking lot and she seen it in her mirrors and was horrified at it size. 9-10' tall (bigger then Patty) This report is on Alberta Sasquatch Research web site.
I always knew they existed from a previous encounter in Ont and all the reports. However before I was just casually searching for them as most do. After this I started to hunt them like a soldier not like a researcher or tourist. And I've gotten pretty close to some with my recon methods. I never really tried to film them before because the challenge was enough reward. But I have posted a few vids on my channel recently that some may find interesting?
Regards, Tracker
Mike B.
MY HANSON LAKE (saskatchewan) SIGHTING ON JULY 3rd 2010......two summers ago I was working at a silica sands open pit mine about two hours from where I live ,,,,after completing day shift the four of us guys.......decided to run the camp garbage out to Jan Lake dump which is about 10 miles down the hanson lake road from camp to the hiway that runs to Prince Albert . After returning from the dump we proceeded down the old dirt road back to the camp ,when we approached the small bridge my friend immediately noticed a very large brown figure on its hands and knees reaching in to the creek ,it was obvious he heard us for it stood up ,looked at us and gave out a very weird cry ,it turned around and started walking off fast with a slight limp,it was close to or over 7 feet tall ,ears close to the head with a very hairy unkempt appearance ,it didn't resemble a human face but more like a very large gibbon monkey ,the smell was some what of dead fish-old dog . When it stormed off it turned around a few times and looked at us . None of us were drinking or doing drugs,we just sat in the truck and were amazed at the sighting of this sasquatch ,for the other three fellows it was their first and probaly my ,,,,well I'm not really going to elaborate on it ,we reported it to our supervisor . In the end some people came out to investigate and took castings of the footprints on the creek side,we never told anyone else about it....
MY HANSON LAKE (saskatchewan) SIGHTING ON JULY 3rd 2010......two summers ago I was working at a silica sands open pit mine about two hours from where I live ,,,,after completing day shift the four of us guys.......decided to run the camp garbage out to Jan Lake dump which is about 10 miles down the hanson lake road from camp to the hiway that runs to Prince Albert . After returning from the dump we proceeded down the old dirt road back to the camp ,when we approached the small bridge my friend immediately noticed a very large brown figure on its hands and knees reaching in to the creek ,it was obvious he heard us for it stood up ,looked at us and gave out a very weird cry ,it turned around and started walking off fast with a slight limp,it was close to or over 7 feet tall ,ears close to the head with a very hairy unkempt appearance ,it didn't resemble a human face but more like a very large gibbon monkey ,the smell was some what of dead fish-old dog . When it stormed off it turned around a few times and looked at us . None of us were drinking or doing drugs,we just sat in the truck and were amazed at the sighting of this sasquatch ,for the other three fellows it was their first and probaly my ,,,,well I'm not really going to elaborate on it ,we reported it to our supervisor . In the end some people came out to investigate and took castings of the footprints on the creek side,we never told anyone else about it....
Jason Weaver
In response to your post, I have included my encounter. This is still my most vivid memory.
Northern New York Encounter(s)
Does anyone remember back in the '70's n early '80s, when the Bigfoot craze was poppin' all over the country? Hoax after hoax-Ray Wallace stories, Biscardi,etc was all that you ever heard about, and everybody thought you were nuts for even BELIEVING? Well, this particular summer(1980), smack dab in the middle of all that hype, was when my family had our encounters.
I grew up in a dairy farming family. In Chaumont, NY, we had a small dairy(80 head, maybe) and we worked a farm that was my great grandparents. Well, my dad's health got bad, so we had to sell. We ended up buying my mother's parents place, near Sackets Harbor, NY, where we still had a small farm, but more of a hobby farm. We had about a dozen cows, some milkers and some heifers, and a horse or two. I also raised rabbits, guinea pigs, duck and geese.
Well first, something started harassing our cows at night in their pasture. We would here them running and bellering all damn night, but when we'd go down to check on them...all we'd see were spooked cattle. Now their pasture was only fenced with a single strand of electric fence, so we figured we had a coy-dog or something running them around, and scootin' away before we'd get there.
One July night, one of our calves just disappeared. We went out in the woods looking for her(our pastures butted right up to a thick wooded area 4-5 miles deep), just to find the carcass about 100 ft in, legs gone,head and neck torn off like something twisted it off. Very scary...
Next thing to happen, a white goose of mine was found dead-it was found in a notch of a tree, 6 ft off the ground, head and legs ripped off, and the breast area devoured. The geese were in a pen that was partially covered on top, maybe enough room for a hawk to fly in, but carry off a big white goose? A bobcat, maybe? This is how my family tried to rationalize it...and it worked...til the rabbits and guinea pigs started vanishing.
They were in hutches that had doors on the top of the cages. The little bolt locks had broken off, but we kept them closed with wooden pegs. Now the one thing that one would need to open these cages, were fingers. No four legged animal would've been able to get those pegs out. Plus, they were on a table that was 3 ft off the ground. My parents started thinking that maybe one of the neighbor's kids were playing a mean joke on me. Then we started finding the piles of fur and bones in strange places throughout the property- like on the roof of the barn, which was approximately 11 foot high.At this point,we weren't even thinkin' Sasquatch, cuz he's just a hoax, right? I'm thinking owl...or hawk, or bobcat...
I had a horse, Czar(gelded Arabian), that I had to keep separate from the other horse and cows, 'cuz he was kind of mean. I had him in the other pasture, tied to a long bridal(20 ft or so) and it was tied down to an old tractor tire. He could graze in a circle, and when his grass would get scarce, we'd move him and his water trough to another part of the pasture.
One morning, I came down to the pasture(our house and farm were on a hill, with the pastures below), to find him tangled up, and lying down. He had a few cuts and abrasions from the bridal rope, but the strangest injury was his bottom lip. It was as if something had grabbed it, and tried to rip it off. the cartilage was stretched so badly, he couldn't close it. you could see the stretch marks in it, the stryations of blood under the skin. The vet checked him out, gave him some antibiotics, and within a couple of wks or so, his lip did heal. But it was very strange...
About a month or so later, we had some cows that broke through the fencing and wandered into the woods. My brother Jake-17, (big ol' rugged farmboy-full beard at 15!!!), 2 of his friends, 2 of mine, and myself had to round them up.
When we found each one, 2 of us would run them back out of the woods, and up to the barn.
My brother and one of his friends went deep into the woods, and were gone about 20 mins. In the meantime, the rest of
us found the last cow, and 2 guys ran her back, and the other 2 of us waited for my brother and his bud.
All of a sudden we hear them yelling, and running. My brother's nickname for me was(and still is) Charlie.
I hear Jake scream, "RUN CHARLIE RUN!!!!!" SO I DID!!!!
When we got back up the hill, and to the barn, we ask them what was the trouble. He says-
"We saw big monkey people in the swamp, and one of them chased us!!!"
Now his friends,except the one that was with him, really started to razz them pretty hard, and they all
laughed it off as a prank of Jake's part...but he wasn't laughing a bit.
To this day, Jake still lives on the property. He won't go in that part of the woods anymore.
To this day, he will not discuss it with just anyone, and will barely discuss it with me!!
When I introduced him to my wife for the first time,she asked him kiddingly, "Seen any Bigfoot lately?" He got very stoic and said-
"I guess Charlie told you about THAT, huh?" It STILL bothers him. He said that when the One that charged looked at him, it was as if he could "see right through me". He said it was NOT the eyes of an animal...
My own personal experience, happened the very next summer. My cousin Jerry(9 at the time) and I(11) were picking berries down in the woods. We had alot of blackcaps(blackberries) and raspberries down there, and we would have a contest to see who could pick the most, or fill up the bowl faster, something like that.
Anyway, we were picking at what we call the "The Thick Patch", it was a huge thicket of berry bushes, and the berries were big, too!! Well, Jerry's picking away, and suddenly, he just started crying, and saying "I wanna go home!!!". He dropped his bowl, half full of berries, and just takes off running! Not knowing what his problem was, and thinking he was a weird kid anyway, I seize the opportunity, and start picking the fire out of those berries. Approximately 10-15 mins had passed since Jerry's meltdown, when I start to feel this wave of..anxiety, I guess, go through my body. I didn't know what it was, but I remember that it felt odd. As I'm picking, I hear a whistle to my right, which is in the direction that Jerry had ran. I look, but no one was there. Still anxious, I continue to pick and eat, pick and eat... and again, another whistle. As I reached into the thicket, still looking in the direction of the whistle, I suddenly realize that I'm touching hair!!! As I touched it, I looked to see what it was that I touched, and all I saw was a huge shoulder. It made a sort of a snorting growl noise and started to move, and what I saw was taller than I was, but it was still crouching...
That's when the "feeling" came over me. I became immediately terrified. I wet my pants. I felt as if I was being bearhugged slowly!! I then dropped MY bucket, and ran!!!
Now I have been blessed, and cursed with a vivid memory. I am 40 years old, and can still remember my childhood days, as far back as the day before my 3rd birthday. My most vivid memory, to this day, is that "accordian squeeze" I felt that summer afternoon in 1981. I tried to tell my parents about it, but was told to, "Stop with this Bigfoot nonsense!!"
After 30 years of trying to forget it, I finally decided back in November of 2009 to embrace my experience. I have gotten involved with the research field, and am hoping to grab this Fear by the horns, and try to heal, so to speak. Although my encounter was far from scary, as I really wasn't threatened in any way, I can still see that figure in that thicket, rocking as it squatted. I can still feel the "squeeze", slowly shutting my body down. I can still remember losing control of my bodily functions.
It was an amazing, terrifying experience...
In response to your post, I have included my encounter. This is still my most vivid memory.
Northern New York Encounter(s)
Does anyone remember back in the '70's n early '80s, when the Bigfoot craze was poppin' all over the country? Hoax after hoax-Ray Wallace stories, Biscardi,etc was all that you ever heard about, and everybody thought you were nuts for even BELIEVING? Well, this particular summer(1980), smack dab in the middle of all that hype, was when my family had our encounters.
I grew up in a dairy farming family. In Chaumont, NY, we had a small dairy(80 head, maybe) and we worked a farm that was my great grandparents. Well, my dad's health got bad, so we had to sell. We ended up buying my mother's parents place, near Sackets Harbor, NY, where we still had a small farm, but more of a hobby farm. We had about a dozen cows, some milkers and some heifers, and a horse or two. I also raised rabbits, guinea pigs, duck and geese.
Well first, something started harassing our cows at night in their pasture. We would here them running and bellering all damn night, but when we'd go down to check on them...all we'd see were spooked cattle. Now their pasture was only fenced with a single strand of electric fence, so we figured we had a coy-dog or something running them around, and scootin' away before we'd get there.
One July night, one of our calves just disappeared. We went out in the woods looking for her(our pastures butted right up to a thick wooded area 4-5 miles deep), just to find the carcass about 100 ft in, legs gone,head and neck torn off like something twisted it off. Very scary...
Next thing to happen, a white goose of mine was found dead-it was found in a notch of a tree, 6 ft off the ground, head and legs ripped off, and the breast area devoured. The geese were in a pen that was partially covered on top, maybe enough room for a hawk to fly in, but carry off a big white goose? A bobcat, maybe? This is how my family tried to rationalize it...and it worked...til the rabbits and guinea pigs started vanishing.
They were in hutches that had doors on the top of the cages. The little bolt locks had broken off, but we kept them closed with wooden pegs. Now the one thing that one would need to open these cages, were fingers. No four legged animal would've been able to get those pegs out. Plus, they were on a table that was 3 ft off the ground. My parents started thinking that maybe one of the neighbor's kids were playing a mean joke on me. Then we started finding the piles of fur and bones in strange places throughout the property- like on the roof of the barn, which was approximately 11 foot high.At this point,we weren't even thinkin' Sasquatch, cuz he's just a hoax, right? I'm thinking owl...or hawk, or bobcat...
I had a horse, Czar(gelded Arabian), that I had to keep separate from the other horse and cows, 'cuz he was kind of mean. I had him in the other pasture, tied to a long bridal(20 ft or so) and it was tied down to an old tractor tire. He could graze in a circle, and when his grass would get scarce, we'd move him and his water trough to another part of the pasture.
One morning, I came down to the pasture(our house and farm were on a hill, with the pastures below), to find him tangled up, and lying down. He had a few cuts and abrasions from the bridal rope, but the strangest injury was his bottom lip. It was as if something had grabbed it, and tried to rip it off. the cartilage was stretched so badly, he couldn't close it. you could see the stretch marks in it, the stryations of blood under the skin. The vet checked him out, gave him some antibiotics, and within a couple of wks or so, his lip did heal. But it was very strange...
About a month or so later, we had some cows that broke through the fencing and wandered into the woods. My brother Jake-17, (big ol' rugged farmboy-full beard at 15!!!), 2 of his friends, 2 of mine, and myself had to round them up.
When we found each one, 2 of us would run them back out of the woods, and up to the barn.
My brother and one of his friends went deep into the woods, and were gone about 20 mins. In the meantime, the rest of
us found the last cow, and 2 guys ran her back, and the other 2 of us waited for my brother and his bud.
All of a sudden we hear them yelling, and running. My brother's nickname for me was(and still is) Charlie.
I hear Jake scream, "RUN CHARLIE RUN!!!!!" SO I DID!!!!
When we got back up the hill, and to the barn, we ask them what was the trouble. He says-
"We saw big monkey people in the swamp, and one of them chased us!!!"
Now his friends,except the one that was with him, really started to razz them pretty hard, and they all
laughed it off as a prank of Jake's part...but he wasn't laughing a bit.
To this day, Jake still lives on the property. He won't go in that part of the woods anymore.
To this day, he will not discuss it with just anyone, and will barely discuss it with me!!
When I introduced him to my wife for the first time,she asked him kiddingly, "Seen any Bigfoot lately?" He got very stoic and said-
"I guess Charlie told you about THAT, huh?" It STILL bothers him. He said that when the One that charged looked at him, it was as if he could "see right through me". He said it was NOT the eyes of an animal...
My own personal experience, happened the very next summer. My cousin Jerry(9 at the time) and I(11) were picking berries down in the woods. We had alot of blackcaps(blackberries) and raspberries down there, and we would have a contest to see who could pick the most, or fill up the bowl faster, something like that.
Anyway, we were picking at what we call the "The Thick Patch", it was a huge thicket of berry bushes, and the berries were big, too!! Well, Jerry's picking away, and suddenly, he just started crying, and saying "I wanna go home!!!". He dropped his bowl, half full of berries, and just takes off running! Not knowing what his problem was, and thinking he was a weird kid anyway, I seize the opportunity, and start picking the fire out of those berries. Approximately 10-15 mins had passed since Jerry's meltdown, when I start to feel this wave of..anxiety, I guess, go through my body. I didn't know what it was, but I remember that it felt odd. As I'm picking, I hear a whistle to my right, which is in the direction that Jerry had ran. I look, but no one was there. Still anxious, I continue to pick and eat, pick and eat... and again, another whistle. As I reached into the thicket, still looking in the direction of the whistle, I suddenly realize that I'm touching hair!!! As I touched it, I looked to see what it was that I touched, and all I saw was a huge shoulder. It made a sort of a snorting growl noise and started to move, and what I saw was taller than I was, but it was still crouching...
That's when the "feeling" came over me. I became immediately terrified. I wet my pants. I felt as if I was being bearhugged slowly!! I then dropped MY bucket, and ran!!!
Now I have been blessed, and cursed with a vivid memory. I am 40 years old, and can still remember my childhood days, as far back as the day before my 3rd birthday. My most vivid memory, to this day, is that "accordian squeeze" I felt that summer afternoon in 1981. I tried to tell my parents about it, but was told to, "Stop with this Bigfoot nonsense!!"
After 30 years of trying to forget it, I finally decided back in November of 2009 to embrace my experience. I have gotten involved with the research field, and am hoping to grab this Fear by the horns, and try to heal, so to speak. Although my encounter was far from scary, as I really wasn't threatened in any way, I can still see that figure in that thicket, rocking as it squatted. I can still feel the "squeeze", slowly shutting my body down. I can still remember losing control of my bodily functions.
It was an amazing, terrifying experience...
Tara Lee Hauki
Hi. I'm tara Hauki from Hapy Camp, Ca. I had a bigfoot stay six months in my yard and I like having friends who are serious about them.
SundaySasquatchWatch Canada
Wow, I have heard many stories of encounters in Happy Camp before, never one like yours.
Can you tell me more about it? Everything you say is absolutely confidential unless you say otherwise. I would love to hear what you observed, their habits, appearance, how they reacted around you, etc. Thanks for finding me!
SundayTara Lee Hauki
I'd love to. I'll get back to you and thanks.
SundaySasquatchWatch Canada
Thank you so much, can't wait to hear from you. My email address is [email protected] if you prefer.
Tara Lee Hauki
Well, in 2005, on July 13th to be exact, I woke early and went and opened my slider out into my back yard. I live on the edge of town and from across the road from my house, there is absolutely nothing but remote wilderness 70 miles as the crow flies to Crescent City.Well, the Smith River, but dense, steep, forest is what there is. I looked out and down to the blackberries that run along Indian Creek, also in my yard and at first saw the biggest bear in the world. It heard me and turned and when it saw me it took off running and that's when I saw the extremely long arms and legs...and it was very fast.
YesterdaySasquatchWatch Canada
From the looks of some of your pictures, the forest looks very dense! I guess the sasquatch was in your yard eating berries?....
YesterdayTara Lee Hauki
It wasn't quite berry season yet. It took off running and turned down the trail I have that goes down to the creek. After I saw it I went down to the creek and found a bed made out of horse tail ferns that grow next to the spring I have in my yard. There's a pool there.
I have found out a lot about them since and I really think it came and stayed because I had been grieving over losing three family members two years before that and being accused of killing my father, who had commited suicide. I think it was on its regular migration to the Marbles, heard me crying and decided to stay. I saw it three times all together that summer. One time it came and looked in my dining room window at me.
YesterdaySasquatchWatch Canada
So you think that he wanted to stay around to make sure you would be ok? That would show that he/she felt compassion for you, they are very deep creatures, way more that I think we can even begin to speculate.
Was it male or female?
Tara Lee Hauki
I'm pretty sure it was a boy. The footprint that was found and cast was the biggest ever at that time. 18 3/4 inches long and almost 8 wide.
It was a very strange encounter and two years before that I didn't know it then, but I had two more encounters...tree knocks and a beautiful strange gutteral singing.
Tara Lee Hauki
You look just like my mom. Her name was Seoma and I think that's neat because the natives here call bigfoot Oma. Her name sounds like see Oma. She was Cherokee and she was an important figure in California's history. I miss her very much. She also had a love affair with Daryle lamonica, the quarterback for the Oakland Raiders. She was very exceptional and you look very much like her. I'm very glad to meet you.
SasquatchWatch Canada
Thank you Tara! I am glad we met too!
Do you go into the forest looking for the bf that was hanging around your yard, call for them or anything?
Tara Lee Hauki
Well, it's part of my story but it goes back, ironically, to when I left to go live in the woods in 2003. For some crazy reason I would be out working in my garden, stop, look up the mountain and say, "come here. Sasquatch. " Weird but true and then I. Started feeling something watching me. For months before I saw it I would hear what sounded like a huge tropical bird calling from the Seqouia in my yard. Turns out it was the Bigfoot and then, later on after the summer I felt it drawing me up the mountain. I would go walk up there and could always hear it and feel it near. I found one of it's nests and a track that led towards my house.
SasquatchWatch Canada
Oklahoma natives claim that if you talk about Sasquatch, he will come. I am really liking your story so far, would you mind if I saved it for my collection?
Tara Lee Hauki
Go ahead and that's odd you say that. I'm Cherokee but was raised in CA. away from my culture. Genetic memory? I was grieving horribly at the time. My mother, father, and grandma all died in eight months and I was formerly accused of killing my father who was a suicide. It was a very grievous time in my life and I was really outside myself.
SasquatchWatch Canada
I am sure you were, not sure if others would have survived what you had to go thru. My father also committed suicide, but to be blamed for it, would have probably pushed me to do the same. You are a very strong woman. Maybe the Sasquatch visitor gave you the strength to keep going....
Tara Lee Hauki
He definitely gave me something else to think about that's for sure. I had a lot of strange experience with it but the more I talk to people like you, the more it makesw sense. I have been waisting my time trying to talk to people who do not believe or who are overly skeptical. Talking with you is refreshing my memory and my resolve. I really do believe it came to me for a reason and I almost gave up. Adding you and people like you has renewed my passion and I am deeply appreciative. If you have any questions, please ask. I think it may help me to remember more.
Hi. I'm tara Hauki from Hapy Camp, Ca. I had a bigfoot stay six months in my yard and I like having friends who are serious about them.
SundaySasquatchWatch Canada
Wow, I have heard many stories of encounters in Happy Camp before, never one like yours.
Can you tell me more about it? Everything you say is absolutely confidential unless you say otherwise. I would love to hear what you observed, their habits, appearance, how they reacted around you, etc. Thanks for finding me!
SundayTara Lee Hauki
I'd love to. I'll get back to you and thanks.
SundaySasquatchWatch Canada
Thank you so much, can't wait to hear from you. My email address is [email protected] if you prefer.
Tara Lee Hauki
Well, in 2005, on July 13th to be exact, I woke early and went and opened my slider out into my back yard. I live on the edge of town and from across the road from my house, there is absolutely nothing but remote wilderness 70 miles as the crow flies to Crescent City.Well, the Smith River, but dense, steep, forest is what there is. I looked out and down to the blackberries that run along Indian Creek, also in my yard and at first saw the biggest bear in the world. It heard me and turned and when it saw me it took off running and that's when I saw the extremely long arms and legs...and it was very fast.
YesterdaySasquatchWatch Canada
From the looks of some of your pictures, the forest looks very dense! I guess the sasquatch was in your yard eating berries?....
YesterdayTara Lee Hauki
It wasn't quite berry season yet. It took off running and turned down the trail I have that goes down to the creek. After I saw it I went down to the creek and found a bed made out of horse tail ferns that grow next to the spring I have in my yard. There's a pool there.
I have found out a lot about them since and I really think it came and stayed because I had been grieving over losing three family members two years before that and being accused of killing my father, who had commited suicide. I think it was on its regular migration to the Marbles, heard me crying and decided to stay. I saw it three times all together that summer. One time it came and looked in my dining room window at me.
YesterdaySasquatchWatch Canada
So you think that he wanted to stay around to make sure you would be ok? That would show that he/she felt compassion for you, they are very deep creatures, way more that I think we can even begin to speculate.
Was it male or female?
Tara Lee Hauki
I'm pretty sure it was a boy. The footprint that was found and cast was the biggest ever at that time. 18 3/4 inches long and almost 8 wide.
It was a very strange encounter and two years before that I didn't know it then, but I had two more encounters...tree knocks and a beautiful strange gutteral singing.
Tara Lee Hauki
You look just like my mom. Her name was Seoma and I think that's neat because the natives here call bigfoot Oma. Her name sounds like see Oma. She was Cherokee and she was an important figure in California's history. I miss her very much. She also had a love affair with Daryle lamonica, the quarterback for the Oakland Raiders. She was very exceptional and you look very much like her. I'm very glad to meet you.
SasquatchWatch Canada
Thank you Tara! I am glad we met too!
Do you go into the forest looking for the bf that was hanging around your yard, call for them or anything?
Tara Lee Hauki
Well, it's part of my story but it goes back, ironically, to when I left to go live in the woods in 2003. For some crazy reason I would be out working in my garden, stop, look up the mountain and say, "come here. Sasquatch. " Weird but true and then I. Started feeling something watching me. For months before I saw it I would hear what sounded like a huge tropical bird calling from the Seqouia in my yard. Turns out it was the Bigfoot and then, later on after the summer I felt it drawing me up the mountain. I would go walk up there and could always hear it and feel it near. I found one of it's nests and a track that led towards my house.
SasquatchWatch Canada
Oklahoma natives claim that if you talk about Sasquatch, he will come. I am really liking your story so far, would you mind if I saved it for my collection?
Tara Lee Hauki
Go ahead and that's odd you say that. I'm Cherokee but was raised in CA. away from my culture. Genetic memory? I was grieving horribly at the time. My mother, father, and grandma all died in eight months and I was formerly accused of killing my father who was a suicide. It was a very grievous time in my life and I was really outside myself.
SasquatchWatch Canada
I am sure you were, not sure if others would have survived what you had to go thru. My father also committed suicide, but to be blamed for it, would have probably pushed me to do the same. You are a very strong woman. Maybe the Sasquatch visitor gave you the strength to keep going....
Tara Lee Hauki
He definitely gave me something else to think about that's for sure. I had a lot of strange experience with it but the more I talk to people like you, the more it makesw sense. I have been waisting my time trying to talk to people who do not believe or who are overly skeptical. Talking with you is refreshing my memory and my resolve. I really do believe it came to me for a reason and I almost gave up. Adding you and people like you has renewed my passion and I am deeply appreciative. If you have any questions, please ask. I think it may help me to remember more.

Michael Phillips - My dog in the lower left hand side is watching something splashing thru the pond just out of our view. Thus the photograph. This was the first hour of our nearly 5 hours of being harrassed by our friend in the woods. This nights encounter scared me so bad i think i have forgotten some important details and have considered hypnosis to fill in some of the blanks, I have spent 5 years as a Paratrooper on Hazardous duty pay 1 with the Special Forces. I have never been so frozen in fear as when i saw this wild man standing not 30' from me and my dog at 2;30 in the morning. Several 7.62 x 39 ranch rifle rounds fired over its head did not deter it from its goal of keeping us up all night long completely freeked out.! It seems that this encounter suggested thru trial and error the territory I needed to be in to see some action. Including a remote location with large bodies of fresh water, Rich diversity of large game and lots of cover and cliffs to hide in.
SasquatchWatch Canada - What was he doing that whole night to scare you so bad? How did your dog react?
Michael Phillips - Stalking me and Moose for hours on end with unknown intentions!. My dog was a 200 pound that kept the Brownies away from us when we went out in the Bush. Lived in Alaska for 6 years. He awoke me around 2;30am with this gutteral primal growl that i have never heard before or since. He was sitting on top of the tent crushing it and me from the outside. I pushed him off and grabbed my rifle ready for a Bear. It took me a few minutes of following my dogs reaction in the moonlight to see what he was tracking, than i see this huge thing looking at us, 10 feet tall 600-800lbs legs the size of 50 gallon drums at the thigh. It ran to my right hand side thru our camp and hid behind a huge 80' tall 36" round pine tree about 30 yards away and would not leave. It just hid like we were not supposed to see it, like we would forget about him even being there. I just stood there frozen i actually couldnt move for a long time! like maybe 20 minutes or more. i could not move or think staight, I felt the energy drain out of me! but I could hear its feet breaking branches as it shifted around and see it as it would rock and bob around the tree. This went on for an hour, just pacing back and forth like it was looking for a way to get my dog.It would get bold and move, Moose would find him so I would follow its movements with my rifle leveled on it in the moonlight as it got closer to us again and hid in the trees I was sleeping next to. This sent moose into a growling, snapping frenzy and at that point he crawled under my 4 wheeler and hid silently! That really made me freak out. I yelled at the Bushman that" i would shoot it dead if it didnt leave me alone that it was scareing the hell out of me!". Thinking it may still be a person trying to steal my 4 wheeler. I can remember it getting really aggressive in its movement towards me when the dog was cowering.I didnt want to shoot cause i knew my dog would run and leave me till morning he hated gunshots, and I felt safer with him next to me. My aggressive Yelling did not work at all! It was moving in a tighter circle at me less than 20 feet away and my dog had retreated from tracking its movement so I shot 3-4 rounds over the damn things head best i could determine The rifle is so loud and bright when fired at night that my ears rang awhile and my eyes were useless. When i could hear and see again a few minutes later I heard this thing running thru the pond using two legs in the picture, and crash itself up the mountain side faster than a full grown grizzly. These things are so fast so big and so powerfull i think they could go 10 rounds easy with a 1000 pound Bull Moose. The reason I say this is the Moose that were around the pond during the day i found at 3000' up the mountainside the next evening, really wierd for a bull moose to hide! This happened over a period of several hours and I know im missing some of it cause i freaked out so bad. Hopefully this doesnt annoy anyone as i was just a hopefull dumbass in the woods who bit off more than i could chew. I was ignorant and I definitely do not advocate for shooting anything im not gonna feed my kids but you have to keep in mind my military and hunting background to understand my need to protect myself. And quite honestly i did not know what the heck i was dealing with at the moment.
Gary Hatfield Sr
The Booger man my experiences with Bigfoot.
by Gary Hatfield Sr on Saturday, November 13, 2010 at 9:53pm
When i was younger the late 1960s early 1970s my grandmother used to tell me if I didn't behave the booger man would get me. I had nightmares about a man with a giant nose for a head jumping out of closets to snot on me. One night at my grandparents house in Becks run 15 minutes out of Pittsburgh PA I went into the kitched to get some cookies, the back of the house faced the woods. I saw a hairy ape like creature looking in the kitchen window smiling at me it looked like an Orangutan the face was between the middle and top of the window a good 7, 8 feet off the ground i ran into the living room. I yelled that a giant monkey was looking in the window at me. My grandmother who was quite funny at times said you jackass that was the Boogerman you must have done something wrong. The 70s in western P.A. were an odd paranormal time reports of U.F.O.S and Bigfoot type creatures were going on all the time, I had told the children in my grandparent's neighborhood about what I saw out my grandparents kitchen window and we decided to hunt for it we would hike about 30 feet into the woods and come running out scared. About the time I was around 7 I decided I was going deeper into the woods, we started walking into the woods slowly the other children would turn around soon I was alone. After about 45 minutes into my walk I came over to a level spot I looked to my left and saw a small creature about 3 1/2 feet tall covered in dark brown / blackish coarse hair standing on 2 legs it turned it's whole body to look at me and I noticed it had yellow eyes in an ape like face, I took off down the hill like a bat outta hell screaming all the way. I moved to Massachusetts in 1978 when I was 13 years old did a lot of hunting camping and fishing with my step father. When I was about 16 my friend was having a birthday party I went to his house and after the party about 8 of us jumped into his pickup we were supposed to go to mountian park but the guys up front decided we'd go to Skinner state park and climb the mountain, the 3 guys in the cab hiked up the side of the mountain the rest of us stayed in the back of the pickup. About 2 hours or so later we heard thrashing and crashing in the woods where the guys had walked in we thought they had came back that way and were messing with us we kept yelling into the woods for those guys to stop screwing around, this went on for about 15 minutes when we noticed the guys coming down the road from allmost the oppsite direction the thrashing and crashing was still going on. We started yelling for our friends to hurry up because it was getting dark and whatever it was it was big. As they got closer it stopped moving around so our friends kept walking and laughing at us they thought we were goofing on them they got into the pickup and started it the thrashing started up again we yelled at our friend to get outta there, jokingly he backed the truck up to the tree line about 7 feet up we saw a pair of eyes glowing red from the reflection of the tail lights and we could make out a rough shape standing upright it the shadows my friend who was driving saw what we saw his eyes bugged out and he threw truck into drive and got outa there. Later when we got back to my friends house we compared what we saw and we all agreed what we saw was an upright figure in the darkness of the woods and the glowng eyes which I assumed was reflection from the tail lights.
The Booger man my experiences with Bigfoot.
by Gary Hatfield Sr on Saturday, November 13, 2010 at 9:53pm
When i was younger the late 1960s early 1970s my grandmother used to tell me if I didn't behave the booger man would get me. I had nightmares about a man with a giant nose for a head jumping out of closets to snot on me. One night at my grandparents house in Becks run 15 minutes out of Pittsburgh PA I went into the kitched to get some cookies, the back of the house faced the woods. I saw a hairy ape like creature looking in the kitchen window smiling at me it looked like an Orangutan the face was between the middle and top of the window a good 7, 8 feet off the ground i ran into the living room. I yelled that a giant monkey was looking in the window at me. My grandmother who was quite funny at times said you jackass that was the Boogerman you must have done something wrong. The 70s in western P.A. were an odd paranormal time reports of U.F.O.S and Bigfoot type creatures were going on all the time, I had told the children in my grandparent's neighborhood about what I saw out my grandparents kitchen window and we decided to hunt for it we would hike about 30 feet into the woods and come running out scared. About the time I was around 7 I decided I was going deeper into the woods, we started walking into the woods slowly the other children would turn around soon I was alone. After about 45 minutes into my walk I came over to a level spot I looked to my left and saw a small creature about 3 1/2 feet tall covered in dark brown / blackish coarse hair standing on 2 legs it turned it's whole body to look at me and I noticed it had yellow eyes in an ape like face, I took off down the hill like a bat outta hell screaming all the way. I moved to Massachusetts in 1978 when I was 13 years old did a lot of hunting camping and fishing with my step father. When I was about 16 my friend was having a birthday party I went to his house and after the party about 8 of us jumped into his pickup we were supposed to go to mountian park but the guys up front decided we'd go to Skinner state park and climb the mountain, the 3 guys in the cab hiked up the side of the mountain the rest of us stayed in the back of the pickup. About 2 hours or so later we heard thrashing and crashing in the woods where the guys had walked in we thought they had came back that way and were messing with us we kept yelling into the woods for those guys to stop screwing around, this went on for about 15 minutes when we noticed the guys coming down the road from allmost the oppsite direction the thrashing and crashing was still going on. We started yelling for our friends to hurry up because it was getting dark and whatever it was it was big. As they got closer it stopped moving around so our friends kept walking and laughing at us they thought we were goofing on them they got into the pickup and started it the thrashing started up again we yelled at our friend to get outta there, jokingly he backed the truck up to the tree line about 7 feet up we saw a pair of eyes glowing red from the reflection of the tail lights and we could make out a rough shape standing upright it the shadows my friend who was driving saw what we saw his eyes bugged out and he threw truck into drive and got outa there. Later when we got back to my friends house we compared what we saw and we all agreed what we saw was an upright figure in the darkness of the woods and the glowng eyes which I assumed was reflection from the tail lights.
Jim Piper Jr
My Bigfoot sighting
I had actually put most of the details out of my mind, until a friend asked me a few months back if I had ever had a sighting. It was October '04 between 9-9:30pm, heading south about 3/4 of the way to Springfield Il. after passing the interchange to go to Lincoln, not sure which county. There weren't many cars on the road. We were in the left lane, I was the passenger. At the very far edge of the high beams I saw what looked like one of those big black 50 gallon lawn bags sitting with a bunch of garbage right off the side of the road between where the pavement meets the grass. It looked like someone had dumped trash... I was wrong! Grant you this all took place in like 8-9 seconds. As we got closer I saw the garbage was fast food bags and the black garbage bag had arms and a head! When we were maybe 5-6 car lengths away it swung its arms out in front of it and shot straight up, taking a small step backwards. My friend and I both said 'what the hell is that?' As he slowed down a little. In the split seconds it was full on in the head lights standing I saw a medium build, not massive at all, but thick, hair was 4-6" and flat black in color with just a little bluish silver reflection from the headlights and the face was a lighter shade than the hair like charcoal grey, I don't recall seeing breasts and the hair seemed thinner and shorter on its front. Facial features at that speed were impossible to make out, but its chin seemed to jut out from where the collar bone area would be on a human. My friend owned a Mitsubishi Montero at that time. It rode about as high as the smaller big pick up trucks do. I'm 6'4" and I had to step up slightly to get into the seat, and as we passed it close up, in the windshield and out the drivers side window its waist was as high as the top of the hood, probably 4 1/2 feet, and the rest was at least that much. My friend asked me; "Dude was that Bigfoot?!" at the same second I yelled "That was Bigfoot!." Funny I read countless books on the subject from the time I was in grade school, and let me tell you... All the information in the world beforehand does not prepare you for a sighting.
By: Jim Piper Jr
My Ozette Lake Family
By Thom Cantrall
It was one of those gorgeous, late September days that make one glad he’s alive and can be in God’s creation. The sun was bright, if not overly warm. The air was so clear that every tree stood in stark relief, each an individual due to the early morning shower here in this land of many showers.
Gary and I had taken advantage of the weather to play hooky and see if we could bag a blue grouse or two, at least this was the excuse we gave ourselves. Actually, we both knew we were here mainly to enjoy the day and perhaps be able to spot some elk. To this end, we found ourselves near Lake Ozette on Washington’s Olympic Peninsula.
Gary was a forester and log buyer for a hardwoods company and he managed their tree farm near Deep Creek on the very north tip of the Peninsula. My logging company was on an enforced fire danger shut down and had been for a few days. Dry weather and low humidily in the fall was a deadly combination in the woods. Low humidity coupled with unseasonably warm temperatures made for a dangerous fire situation. In fact, virtually every major forest fire in this area had occurred in September and October due to the described conditions. We both felt that the earlier precipitation coupled with higher humidity levels would probably allow the State Department of Natural Resources to lift the fire ban and we could return to work the next day. That made this day that much more precious.
Our perambulations found us, late in the morning, on a small no-name tributary to South Creek just a couple of miles south of Lake Ozette. We were stopped in a gravel pit there to glass the surrounding area for elk. Just to the east of this pit was a clearcut that was clearly visible to us in our elevated position and we judged the age of the brush growing there to be about perfect to feed elk and deer. We had been at this for twenty minutes or so when I spotted a deer feeding her way along the edge of the cutting unit. I told Gary where to look to find her as I watched her going about her own business. As he was trying to locate her, he suddenly jumped. “Look to the left of that big, burned stump west of the creek,” he blurted out suddenly.
I switched from my twelve power binoculars to my eight power glasses because of the much wider field they present. They make it much easier to locate something in a wide area of search. I began a systematic search of the appropriate area of the clearcut trying to locate a large, burned stump in a sea of large, burned stumps. After a few minutes of search, I spotted what he saw… a very large bear ripping away in a rotten log there in search of some tasty grubs for his dinner. He was sleek and fat, obviously well conditioned for his soon to be enforced period of sleep. It is not every year that bears hibernate here. The weather is normally just too mild to require it for the most part and food is available to them all twelve months of the year. Some years, however, the snows hit this area hard and heavy and they will find themselves a warm, dry spot and sleep through the worst of the winter. This fellow was obviously well equipped for just such an eventuality, should it come. For the better part of an hour we watched him as he contentedly ripped the log to ribbons and feasted on the hordes within.
As we kept an eye on him, we continued glassing the rest of the unit and eventually, as we knew would happen, a band of Roosevelt Elk made their way into the lush feed provided by the open aired unit. As is their wont, they did not come far into the open, but fed mainly along the edge, taking advantage of the brush growing even back into the standing timber because of the increased light levels now available there. As we watched, about sixty head were moving along slowly. That there were more in the timber an d out of sight was obvious as well. There were cows and calves and the occasional young bull but no larger bulls as we felt there should be at this time of year. Late September is the onset of their breeding season and the rut brings out the big bulls. As we watched them, we heard a bugle sounding. It was the high screeching squeal and grunts of a large bull announcing his presence. We didn’t know then if it was the warning call of the herd master or of another, challenger bull.
This is why we were here. The two blue grouse in the Bronco were the excuse, but this was the reason! We studied the layout very carefully and decided on an approach tactic. Our goal was to circle around to the far side of the herd and approach them from within the standing timber, thereby catching them between us and the open clearcut. Our wish was to get in close enough to get some good pictures but, just seeing them close up would be fun.
Our plan worked to a tee… we approached the feeding herd from within the standing old growth timber until we reached a point where we were actually inside the herd. I had elk all around me. I wasn’t threatening them, just walking along with them slowly and talking to them with my cow call. They would look at me and mew softly or bark at their calf and return to feeding. We had not yet spotted the herd bull but had seen several smaller bulls… last year’s calves mostly and while they were no longer nursing, they hung along with their mother. As we continued along with them, we knew there was a ninety degree angle ahead of us and they would then have to go into the open clear cut and we would be able to see the big bull. That was our thought and our plan. The actuality was somewhat different, however as when they reached that corner, the bulk of the herd would not go into the open, but turned back and nearly ran over us in their escape. I saw one five point bull during this retreat and I thought the whole herd had escaped back past us when I heard a noise ahead of me. There was a small hill just before me, so I hurried up that hill and found myself at the very end of the standing timber. Directly in front of me were about thirty elk in a small depression. They were bottled up there as they could only exit it one at a time so had to wait on the one in front to leave before the next could make the short jump to get clear. I was in awe of this specter when I heard a bull bugle again and looked up the hill to my left… there he was… he was absolutely magnificent. His antlers were very high and sported eight points per side. When he laid his head back to bugle his anger again, his antler tips were nearly to his hips. He is, even until today, the largest Roosevelt Elk I have ever seen. Keeping in mind that a large Rocky Mountain Elk will weigh around eight hundred pounds, live weight, this bull would top fourteen hundred pounds easily. He was absolutely massive!
I watched as he continued to call his harem back together and slowly made his way out of that clearcut and back into the adjacent timber. For several minutes after he left my sight, I could hear him still bugling. He was still calling his cows back to him. I saw over a hundred elk in that herd. I don’t know if he would breed them all, but I have no doubt but what he could if given the chance.
As the action died down, I knew that I had totally lost contact with Gary and should make my way back towards his Bronco so I chose a route and started out. I knew I was probably two miles from the truck, so decided to make a long swing through the timber, keeping to higher ground to avoid the chance of getting into one the myriad swamps that plague this area. Although I knew it added distance to my trek, if it kept me out of the low stuff, I’d be quite happy.
As I moved down off the ridge I was walking, I spotted a break in the trees ahead of and below me. This happens fairly often in this area and it generally indicates an area too boggy to grow even cedar trees. Since this was on my route, I decided to get a bit closer to it to see what I was dealing with here. As I neared the opening, I realized it was not a bog or a swamp, but an area of blown down trees. It covered about four acres, perhaps a bit more and the blow down was pretty neatly arranged, looking for all the world like it had been fell and bucked. The trees lay side by side, only the upturned root wads on some of them showing that this was not the result of some logger run amok. Many of them were broken off from eight to thirty feet off the ground. The result was an open area in the midst of a pure stand of timber. This type of opening is normally caused by lightening striking one, usually the largest, tree in the vicinity and breaking it off. In an old growth stand, this creates a large opening and a heavy wind can cause a neighbor tree to be blown down into the open area. This action continues until an area as much as ten acres is created. In particularly heavy storms, entire regions can be blown flat. In 1921 such a storm devastated the Pacific Slope of the Olympic Peninsula and there are vast stretches of timber that started growing after this storm. It flattened an area about fifteen miles wide by a hundred miles long.
As I moved closer to the edge of this curious anomaly, I noticed two figures about fifty yards from the timber edge. They appeared to be feeding and the memory of the big bear we had watched earlier leaped to mind. I quickly found myself a spot where the wind was directly from them to me and I could sit quietly and observe them for a bit. As I raised my eight power binoculars, my twelve power glasses having been left in the truck, for a closer look the first thing that struck me was that these were definitely NOT bears. They were bipedal and they were bent over picking something off the downed log in front of them. I looked around me and noticed Oyster Mushrooms growing in profusion on these downed trees. It was obvious that this was what they were feeding on. Oyster Mushrooms are very tasty eaten right off the log and I envied them their feast.
For several minutes I watched them feed from my hidden spot at the edge of the timber. I had a perfect view of these great creatures as they diligently fed. Every minute or so, first one, then the other would rise up to its full height and survey the area around them. One, while standing was over a foot taller than the other. I was quite sure the larger was a male and the smaller a female until she turned toward me and I could see her fully frontal… that removed all doubt. She had very ample and evident breasts. Thus there was now further question as to what I was witnessing. With great interest, I listened to their communication and marveled at what I was seeing. The male was especially magnificent. As I watched, he would examine everything in a three hundred and sixty degree circle. When he saw something unusual, he would stop and make an utterance to the female and she would hunker down low until she was almost indistinguishable from the logs. I wondered at this behavior until once as she rose, I could see she had a young one with her. It was quite small, in comparison, not even large enough to be seen above the downed logs until she lifted it. I immediately went back to my glasses and watched this strange family as they fed on the pure white Oyster Mushrooms.
I was totally enthralled with what I was seeing here and felt no compulsion to leave anytime soon. Quietly, the family fed toward me until, at last, they were not more than twenty yards distant. Their conversation was remarkably clear at their closest point and I was in a kind of heaven as I watched my incongruous family and was hoping it would last a bit longer. I knew that, by this time, Gary would be back at the Bronco but he would not be worried about my tardiness as we had done this often and invariably every time one or the other of us got distracted and were late returning. The standard procedure in this case was to break out the Coleman stove we always carried and put on the coffee pot and heat up a can or two of whatever we had at hand.
As I watched quietly, wishing there were a way I could talk with my guests, I suddenly felt a breath of air on the back of my neck where, heretofore, the breeze had been in my face. Instantly, both heads snapped directly toward me. I knew they had made me! My idyll was over, so, with both the male and female trying to locate me in my hidden spot, I merely stood up and moved to where they could see me easily. I didn’t want to frighten them and felt that if they knew what was there, they might not be so frightened. That they would now be leaving, I knew of a certainty, but they didn’t have to be scared off. I spoke to them as they turned to leave. “Thank you for allowing me to see you,” I said quietly. “Please be of good health with your family.”
For a moment the pair stopped and both looked back at me as if they didn’t know exactly what to make of me. Slowly they turned back in the way they were going to depart the area. When they reached the edge of the standing timber, the female moved on into dark timber with the youngster while the male stopped and turned slowly back toward me. He made no sound, nor did he gesture, but for a long moment he paused and looked directly at me, holding his gaze for just a bit before he nodded his head at me and turned and stepped into the timber following his mate and child.
I waited a bit longer in case he might return… although I knew he would not. I took a few moments to gather some of the delicious mushrooms and resumed my trek out of the woods. As I had expected, when I broke out of the timber and walked the last few yards to the Bronco, there was Gary with a hot cup of coffee and a lunch prepared of Chef Boyardee Ravioli and potato salad. To this I added a nice batch of the translucent, white Oyster Mushrooms and we enjoyed a pleasant repast there beside a tiny logging road in the middle of nowhere, each lost in his own thoughts. Gary tried a couple of times to get a conversation underway about the elk we had seen. I acknowledged that subject and even participated in a desultory manner, but, truth told, my mind was not on elk at this moment. I wanted to share what I had seen, but I knew Gary would not understand. He had no experience with these beings and he was certainly not going to believe my experience of spending time with a family.
I kept my counsel to myself about my family. But, I knew… I knew I had been the recipient of something very special. I knew these beings lived as we live… in a family group. They are devoted parents and care for their young as we would care for our own.
Thank you, Dear Family, for allowing me this privilege.
By Thom Cantrall
It was one of those gorgeous, late September days that make one glad he’s alive and can be in God’s creation. The sun was bright, if not overly warm. The air was so clear that every tree stood in stark relief, each an individual due to the early morning shower here in this land of many showers.
Gary and I had taken advantage of the weather to play hooky and see if we could bag a blue grouse or two, at least this was the excuse we gave ourselves. Actually, we both knew we were here mainly to enjoy the day and perhaps be able to spot some elk. To this end, we found ourselves near Lake Ozette on Washington’s Olympic Peninsula.
Gary was a forester and log buyer for a hardwoods company and he managed their tree farm near Deep Creek on the very north tip of the Peninsula. My logging company was on an enforced fire danger shut down and had been for a few days. Dry weather and low humidily in the fall was a deadly combination in the woods. Low humidity coupled with unseasonably warm temperatures made for a dangerous fire situation. In fact, virtually every major forest fire in this area had occurred in September and October due to the described conditions. We both felt that the earlier precipitation coupled with higher humidity levels would probably allow the State Department of Natural Resources to lift the fire ban and we could return to work the next day. That made this day that much more precious.
Our perambulations found us, late in the morning, on a small no-name tributary to South Creek just a couple of miles south of Lake Ozette. We were stopped in a gravel pit there to glass the surrounding area for elk. Just to the east of this pit was a clearcut that was clearly visible to us in our elevated position and we judged the age of the brush growing there to be about perfect to feed elk and deer. We had been at this for twenty minutes or so when I spotted a deer feeding her way along the edge of the cutting unit. I told Gary where to look to find her as I watched her going about her own business. As he was trying to locate her, he suddenly jumped. “Look to the left of that big, burned stump west of the creek,” he blurted out suddenly.
I switched from my twelve power binoculars to my eight power glasses because of the much wider field they present. They make it much easier to locate something in a wide area of search. I began a systematic search of the appropriate area of the clearcut trying to locate a large, burned stump in a sea of large, burned stumps. After a few minutes of search, I spotted what he saw… a very large bear ripping away in a rotten log there in search of some tasty grubs for his dinner. He was sleek and fat, obviously well conditioned for his soon to be enforced period of sleep. It is not every year that bears hibernate here. The weather is normally just too mild to require it for the most part and food is available to them all twelve months of the year. Some years, however, the snows hit this area hard and heavy and they will find themselves a warm, dry spot and sleep through the worst of the winter. This fellow was obviously well equipped for just such an eventuality, should it come. For the better part of an hour we watched him as he contentedly ripped the log to ribbons and feasted on the hordes within.
As we kept an eye on him, we continued glassing the rest of the unit and eventually, as we knew would happen, a band of Roosevelt Elk made their way into the lush feed provided by the open aired unit. As is their wont, they did not come far into the open, but fed mainly along the edge, taking advantage of the brush growing even back into the standing timber because of the increased light levels now available there. As we watched, about sixty head were moving along slowly. That there were more in the timber an d out of sight was obvious as well. There were cows and calves and the occasional young bull but no larger bulls as we felt there should be at this time of year. Late September is the onset of their breeding season and the rut brings out the big bulls. As we watched them, we heard a bugle sounding. It was the high screeching squeal and grunts of a large bull announcing his presence. We didn’t know then if it was the warning call of the herd master or of another, challenger bull.
This is why we were here. The two blue grouse in the Bronco were the excuse, but this was the reason! We studied the layout very carefully and decided on an approach tactic. Our goal was to circle around to the far side of the herd and approach them from within the standing timber, thereby catching them between us and the open clearcut. Our wish was to get in close enough to get some good pictures but, just seeing them close up would be fun.
Our plan worked to a tee… we approached the feeding herd from within the standing old growth timber until we reached a point where we were actually inside the herd. I had elk all around me. I wasn’t threatening them, just walking along with them slowly and talking to them with my cow call. They would look at me and mew softly or bark at their calf and return to feeding. We had not yet spotted the herd bull but had seen several smaller bulls… last year’s calves mostly and while they were no longer nursing, they hung along with their mother. As we continued along with them, we knew there was a ninety degree angle ahead of us and they would then have to go into the open clear cut and we would be able to see the big bull. That was our thought and our plan. The actuality was somewhat different, however as when they reached that corner, the bulk of the herd would not go into the open, but turned back and nearly ran over us in their escape. I saw one five point bull during this retreat and I thought the whole herd had escaped back past us when I heard a noise ahead of me. There was a small hill just before me, so I hurried up that hill and found myself at the very end of the standing timber. Directly in front of me were about thirty elk in a small depression. They were bottled up there as they could only exit it one at a time so had to wait on the one in front to leave before the next could make the short jump to get clear. I was in awe of this specter when I heard a bull bugle again and looked up the hill to my left… there he was… he was absolutely magnificent. His antlers were very high and sported eight points per side. When he laid his head back to bugle his anger again, his antler tips were nearly to his hips. He is, even until today, the largest Roosevelt Elk I have ever seen. Keeping in mind that a large Rocky Mountain Elk will weigh around eight hundred pounds, live weight, this bull would top fourteen hundred pounds easily. He was absolutely massive!
I watched as he continued to call his harem back together and slowly made his way out of that clearcut and back into the adjacent timber. For several minutes after he left my sight, I could hear him still bugling. He was still calling his cows back to him. I saw over a hundred elk in that herd. I don’t know if he would breed them all, but I have no doubt but what he could if given the chance.
As the action died down, I knew that I had totally lost contact with Gary and should make my way back towards his Bronco so I chose a route and started out. I knew I was probably two miles from the truck, so decided to make a long swing through the timber, keeping to higher ground to avoid the chance of getting into one the myriad swamps that plague this area. Although I knew it added distance to my trek, if it kept me out of the low stuff, I’d be quite happy.
As I moved down off the ridge I was walking, I spotted a break in the trees ahead of and below me. This happens fairly often in this area and it generally indicates an area too boggy to grow even cedar trees. Since this was on my route, I decided to get a bit closer to it to see what I was dealing with here. As I neared the opening, I realized it was not a bog or a swamp, but an area of blown down trees. It covered about four acres, perhaps a bit more and the blow down was pretty neatly arranged, looking for all the world like it had been fell and bucked. The trees lay side by side, only the upturned root wads on some of them showing that this was not the result of some logger run amok. Many of them were broken off from eight to thirty feet off the ground. The result was an open area in the midst of a pure stand of timber. This type of opening is normally caused by lightening striking one, usually the largest, tree in the vicinity and breaking it off. In an old growth stand, this creates a large opening and a heavy wind can cause a neighbor tree to be blown down into the open area. This action continues until an area as much as ten acres is created. In particularly heavy storms, entire regions can be blown flat. In 1921 such a storm devastated the Pacific Slope of the Olympic Peninsula and there are vast stretches of timber that started growing after this storm. It flattened an area about fifteen miles wide by a hundred miles long.
As I moved closer to the edge of this curious anomaly, I noticed two figures about fifty yards from the timber edge. They appeared to be feeding and the memory of the big bear we had watched earlier leaped to mind. I quickly found myself a spot where the wind was directly from them to me and I could sit quietly and observe them for a bit. As I raised my eight power binoculars, my twelve power glasses having been left in the truck, for a closer look the first thing that struck me was that these were definitely NOT bears. They were bipedal and they were bent over picking something off the downed log in front of them. I looked around me and noticed Oyster Mushrooms growing in profusion on these downed trees. It was obvious that this was what they were feeding on. Oyster Mushrooms are very tasty eaten right off the log and I envied them their feast.
For several minutes I watched them feed from my hidden spot at the edge of the timber. I had a perfect view of these great creatures as they diligently fed. Every minute or so, first one, then the other would rise up to its full height and survey the area around them. One, while standing was over a foot taller than the other. I was quite sure the larger was a male and the smaller a female until she turned toward me and I could see her fully frontal… that removed all doubt. She had very ample and evident breasts. Thus there was now further question as to what I was witnessing. With great interest, I listened to their communication and marveled at what I was seeing. The male was especially magnificent. As I watched, he would examine everything in a three hundred and sixty degree circle. When he saw something unusual, he would stop and make an utterance to the female and she would hunker down low until she was almost indistinguishable from the logs. I wondered at this behavior until once as she rose, I could see she had a young one with her. It was quite small, in comparison, not even large enough to be seen above the downed logs until she lifted it. I immediately went back to my glasses and watched this strange family as they fed on the pure white Oyster Mushrooms.
I was totally enthralled with what I was seeing here and felt no compulsion to leave anytime soon. Quietly, the family fed toward me until, at last, they were not more than twenty yards distant. Their conversation was remarkably clear at their closest point and I was in a kind of heaven as I watched my incongruous family and was hoping it would last a bit longer. I knew that, by this time, Gary would be back at the Bronco but he would not be worried about my tardiness as we had done this often and invariably every time one or the other of us got distracted and were late returning. The standard procedure in this case was to break out the Coleman stove we always carried and put on the coffee pot and heat up a can or two of whatever we had at hand.
As I watched quietly, wishing there were a way I could talk with my guests, I suddenly felt a breath of air on the back of my neck where, heretofore, the breeze had been in my face. Instantly, both heads snapped directly toward me. I knew they had made me! My idyll was over, so, with both the male and female trying to locate me in my hidden spot, I merely stood up and moved to where they could see me easily. I didn’t want to frighten them and felt that if they knew what was there, they might not be so frightened. That they would now be leaving, I knew of a certainty, but they didn’t have to be scared off. I spoke to them as they turned to leave. “Thank you for allowing me to see you,” I said quietly. “Please be of good health with your family.”
For a moment the pair stopped and both looked back at me as if they didn’t know exactly what to make of me. Slowly they turned back in the way they were going to depart the area. When they reached the edge of the standing timber, the female moved on into dark timber with the youngster while the male stopped and turned slowly back toward me. He made no sound, nor did he gesture, but for a long moment he paused and looked directly at me, holding his gaze for just a bit before he nodded his head at me and turned and stepped into the timber following his mate and child.
I waited a bit longer in case he might return… although I knew he would not. I took a few moments to gather some of the delicious mushrooms and resumed my trek out of the woods. As I had expected, when I broke out of the timber and walked the last few yards to the Bronco, there was Gary with a hot cup of coffee and a lunch prepared of Chef Boyardee Ravioli and potato salad. To this I added a nice batch of the translucent, white Oyster Mushrooms and we enjoyed a pleasant repast there beside a tiny logging road in the middle of nowhere, each lost in his own thoughts. Gary tried a couple of times to get a conversation underway about the elk we had seen. I acknowledged that subject and even participated in a desultory manner, but, truth told, my mind was not on elk at this moment. I wanted to share what I had seen, but I knew Gary would not understand. He had no experience with these beings and he was certainly not going to believe my experience of spending time with a family.
I kept my counsel to myself about my family. But, I knew… I knew I had been the recipient of something very special. I knew these beings lived as we live… in a family group. They are devoted parents and care for their young as we would care for our own.
Thank you, Dear Family, for allowing me this privilege.
Bobby Cannon
hi candy i'll tell you my story. i have 10 acres in the north GA mountains i have own the land for about eight years. me and my wife have a little house on it and we go and stay the weekends there. i love the outdoors. there are a lot of deer trail in the woods next to us and i have a creek that runs in front of the land. well one day back last year it was in the late fall i was out walking down the creek just looking around to see if i seen any signs of deer. crossing the creek well on one side of the creek bank was a trail what i saw next i will never forget there in the sand bar was a 14to 15 inch foot print. it looked like what made the print had put it's hand on a tree that was there and only put one foot down to swing around this tree. the creek bank is about 5 foot high i don't know if just was holding on to the tree and step'ed down. i wish i had my camera. i told my wife and friends what i has seen and just like most people they said i was crazy. well later on i started putting food out in the woods there is a clear spot were i can see from were i am and thats were i put the food at. my friend had said why was i doing that he's like you don't know what might come up and i told him thats the point of it.well i done this the hole winter even put a trail cam out. i seen nothing but a few rats and other small animals. last summer i was down the creek looking for foot prints i came to a turn in the creek and was standing there looking at what had washed down the creek after the big rain we had not long ago. i have hunted those woods and i have heard deer walk and people walk in the woods that day what i heard was no deer no human what ever this was was really heavy and coming my way. so i started to run back up the creek and when i thought i had went for enougth i stop'ed to see if i could hear it. it was closer than before let me tell you i ran and did not look back until i was at camp i know it was watching me. i did'nt see it but i know it was there. the next time something happen was two weeks ago i was cutting the grass and my father in law was in the graden i was cutting close to the wood line as i was turning around i saw something standing kind of back in the woods a little so i thought maybe i was seeing things the next time i turned around it was still in the woods but more closer all i could see was one side of it i saw the arm and hand and leg it was standing behind some bushes. am 6'4 and form were it was it had to be 7to8feet tall. i did contact the BFRO to report what i had seen it was huge i have never seen anything like it. i don't know if the sound of us working is why it came up or what. that night we were at the camp fire we heard a loud yell and it was really close by. so people can call me crazy but i know what i have seen and heard it has changed my life forever. i don't hunt anymore but am still out in the woods as much as i can be looking for him he is real and he is there. i hope this summer i will see him again. i will write you back if anything happens i hope your site dose good. it's good to tell some one who will listen,
hi candy i'll tell you my story. i have 10 acres in the north GA mountains i have own the land for about eight years. me and my wife have a little house on it and we go and stay the weekends there. i love the outdoors. there are a lot of deer trail in the woods next to us and i have a creek that runs in front of the land. well one day back last year it was in the late fall i was out walking down the creek just looking around to see if i seen any signs of deer. crossing the creek well on one side of the creek bank was a trail what i saw next i will never forget there in the sand bar was a 14to 15 inch foot print. it looked like what made the print had put it's hand on a tree that was there and only put one foot down to swing around this tree. the creek bank is about 5 foot high i don't know if just was holding on to the tree and step'ed down. i wish i had my camera. i told my wife and friends what i has seen and just like most people they said i was crazy. well later on i started putting food out in the woods there is a clear spot were i can see from were i am and thats were i put the food at. my friend had said why was i doing that he's like you don't know what might come up and i told him thats the point of it.well i done this the hole winter even put a trail cam out. i seen nothing but a few rats and other small animals. last summer i was down the creek looking for foot prints i came to a turn in the creek and was standing there looking at what had washed down the creek after the big rain we had not long ago. i have hunted those woods and i have heard deer walk and people walk in the woods that day what i heard was no deer no human what ever this was was really heavy and coming my way. so i started to run back up the creek and when i thought i had went for enougth i stop'ed to see if i could hear it. it was closer than before let me tell you i ran and did not look back until i was at camp i know it was watching me. i did'nt see it but i know it was there. the next time something happen was two weeks ago i was cutting the grass and my father in law was in the graden i was cutting close to the wood line as i was turning around i saw something standing kind of back in the woods a little so i thought maybe i was seeing things the next time i turned around it was still in the woods but more closer all i could see was one side of it i saw the arm and hand and leg it was standing behind some bushes. am 6'4 and form were it was it had to be 7to8feet tall. i did contact the BFRO to report what i had seen it was huge i have never seen anything like it. i don't know if the sound of us working is why it came up or what. that night we were at the camp fire we heard a loud yell and it was really close by. so people can call me crazy but i know what i have seen and heard it has changed my life forever. i don't hunt anymore but am still out in the woods as much as i can be looking for him he is real and he is there. i hope this summer i will see him again. i will write you back if anything happens i hope your site dose good. it's good to tell some one who will listen,
Gene McCauley
It was back in '04 Candy and I was working a rather unique habituation case. We headed up to a cornfield adjacent to a woodlot where the Sasquatch were known to frequent. As we approached we began hearing rapid fire wood knocks coming from the opposite side of the cornfield. I turned on my video camera to record the audio and shortly thereafter the knocks stopped. We then entered the woodlot and began moving toward the area the knocks came from. As we got closer we began to hear movement in the brush ahead of us. I turned my camera on again and lowered it to my side and began panning it from side to side to hopefully catch a glimpse of whatever was circling us. After a few minutes of doing that I raised the camera to my eye and slowly started filming the entire area. I heard a branch snap to my right and spun the camera in that direction. When I did I saw a head peeking out from behind a tree out in front of me. It quickly ducked back behind the tree and disappeared into the brush.
It was back in '04 Candy and I was working a rather unique habituation case. We headed up to a cornfield adjacent to a woodlot where the Sasquatch were known to frequent. As we approached we began hearing rapid fire wood knocks coming from the opposite side of the cornfield. I turned on my video camera to record the audio and shortly thereafter the knocks stopped. We then entered the woodlot and began moving toward the area the knocks came from. As we got closer we began to hear movement in the brush ahead of us. I turned my camera on again and lowered it to my side and began panning it from side to side to hopefully catch a glimpse of whatever was circling us. After a few minutes of doing that I raised the camera to my eye and slowly started filming the entire area. I heard a branch snap to my right and spun the camera in that direction. When I did I saw a head peeking out from behind a tree out in front of me. It quickly ducked back behind the tree and disappeared into the brush.
Anthony Davis
2011 - lynnwood wa all in spring / summer time
one of the holidays we had i was watching my sister n bro in laws dogs one nite n all sudden dogs were going nuts n herd a howl out of no were i went walked over see whats going on noting i notice noises like feet in the grass area n i just ignored it the next day went feed the dogs off to my left eye i found a least a 16 or 17 inch foot print in the ground it was something to see i ran out of castings so i went n grab my camrea n took some pics notice a heal in front of the foot print it had to ben 8 feet tall n hevey how it printed its foot print
frist one happen on memorial day weekend it happen on fri at 1230 am im sitting in the computer room reading sightings n etca all sudden i here this laud howl wich i got recored n it was something few days befor that i did a call blast in some woods n i think it fallowed me or somthing
one of the days i went out to grass area to put my bird cam out to take bird pics all sudden i had weird feeling i was being watch then i look forwed n put my cam down n i see a very tall brownish up right bf its sees me like it recognizes me it was least 7 foot or 8 tall how tall the trees were to it it just stood there i looked it it looked at me then just left walked always it had ben least 4 feet from bf was in swamp area were i was behind a fenced area
nother time i was there i was sitting on the fence all sudden i here sound like feet crunching branches n howls then saw a tall figer n watched it walked off in the swampland
nother day i went in the woods diff area i was setting up stuff to do call blasting wood knocks n whittles
les then 18 mins had whistles wood knocks rock thrown tree branch thrown n howls n i walked in a diff area sat for about 30 mins walked back up a tree branch was recently twisted n bent i didn't see it wen i walked in it was good day
if u need any more let me know i got some in 09
2011 - lynnwood wa all in spring / summer time
one of the holidays we had i was watching my sister n bro in laws dogs one nite n all sudden dogs were going nuts n herd a howl out of no were i went walked over see whats going on noting i notice noises like feet in the grass area n i just ignored it the next day went feed the dogs off to my left eye i found a least a 16 or 17 inch foot print in the ground it was something to see i ran out of castings so i went n grab my camrea n took some pics notice a heal in front of the foot print it had to ben 8 feet tall n hevey how it printed its foot print
frist one happen on memorial day weekend it happen on fri at 1230 am im sitting in the computer room reading sightings n etca all sudden i here this laud howl wich i got recored n it was something few days befor that i did a call blast in some woods n i think it fallowed me or somthing
one of the days i went out to grass area to put my bird cam out to take bird pics all sudden i had weird feeling i was being watch then i look forwed n put my cam down n i see a very tall brownish up right bf its sees me like it recognizes me it was least 7 foot or 8 tall how tall the trees were to it it just stood there i looked it it looked at me then just left walked always it had ben least 4 feet from bf was in swamp area were i was behind a fenced area
nother time i was there i was sitting on the fence all sudden i here sound like feet crunching branches n howls then saw a tall figer n watched it walked off in the swampland
nother day i went in the woods diff area i was setting up stuff to do call blasting wood knocks n whittles
les then 18 mins had whistles wood knocks rock thrown tree branch thrown n howls n i walked in a diff area sat for about 30 mins walked back up a tree branch was recently twisted n bent i didn't see it wen i walked in it was good day
if u need any more let me know i got some in 09