Robert Bateman – Homin Art Probably the world’s most famous naturalist artist created paintings of a sasquatch and a yeti. |
Sasquatch Pass & More How this noted Pass high above Chilco Lake, BC, got its name and other insights. |
Stamp Stuff & Ames Takes Aim About Canada’s sasquatch postage stamp and what Dr. Michael Ames had to say about sasquatch. |
The Argosy Article The first magazine article on the P/G film was published by Argosy in February 1968. Bigfoot now truly became a part of North American culture. |
Observations Obviously Subjective – What is a Sasquatch? An analysis of the BIG question. |
Considering the Math – Patty’s Height An analysis using mathematics and logic. |
Gait Gazing It now appears to be a fact that the unusual “sasquatch gait” is a common denominator. Here is a look at what we have. |
Height Haggling We will never be able to physically measure Patty. All we can do is apply logic and math; basically the same stuff that got us to the Moon—it does work. Some insight are provided here. |
Abduction Deduction Do sasquatch abduct people? What the record says on this issue.. |
Sasquatch Census How many sasquatch might there be? Here is an attempt to answer that question. |
A Strange and Disturbing Incident Here is a classic case indicating that sasquatch might use their urine to mark territory. |
Ichnotaxonomy of Giant Hominoid Tracks in North America Dr. Jeff Meldrum’s paper on what are believed sasquatch footprints. |